Obviously, if you drink too much whisky every night you probably will suffer more than benefit. But at lower, more moderate quantities, science says that it might be good for you.
Here’s what the best quantity of alcohol can do for you and your body:
1. Whisky Fights Cancer
Whisky has as many anti-oxidants as wine. It contains more ellagic acid (the same antioxidant found in wine) as wine, which helps absorb rogue cells in the body, according to Jim Swan, the celebrated whisky industry consultant dubbed the “Einstein of whisky.” at a medical conference in 2005. However, it should be noted that the same acid is easily found in fruit.
2. Whisky lowers the risk of dementia
A study from 2003 published by the National Institute of Health says that adults who consumed one to six portions a week were half as likely to suffer dementia as non-drinkers and heavy drinkers. A 2011 German study came to a similar conclusion. This applied to alcohol generally as opposed to whisky specifically, though. I should also add that in 2015, Britain’s National Health Service released new guidelines recommending alcohol be completely excised from your diet to decrease dementia risk.
3. Whisky lowers the risk of heart disease
Separate studies in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Harvard University, and the European
Heart Journal all come to the same conclusion: A moderate amount of alcohol – maximum seven small glasses of whisky a week – will reduce to some degree the risk of heart disease and heart failure. The European Journal study especially, led by the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, is the most relevant and interesting. They measured antioxidant levels in a group of nine men after they drank wine, aged single malt, and “new spirit” (alcohol just out of the still). They found that the single malt provided the largest concentrations of antioxidants.
4. Whisky has no fat, no carbs, and almost no sugar

5. Whisky is good for colds
It’s been known in Scotland for a long time, but whisky does help fight colds (even if just a little bit). Everyone here knows that hot toddies – whisky mixed with hot water, lemon, and honey can be quite good for you (add spices for flavouring, if you like). The science behind it, according to Dr. William Schaffner, Chairman of Preventative Medicine at Vanderbilt University, is that the alcohol dilates blood vessels, making it easier for mucus membranes to deal with the infection. Here’s a hot toddy recipe that might help you get over your cold.